Does fiduciary duty and ESG investing go hand in hand? – Beyond the First Order by The Ken The KenDoes fiduciary duty and ESG investing go hand in hand? – Beyond the First Order by The Ken The KenDoes fiduciary duty and ESG investing go hand in hand? – Beyond the First Order by The Ken
Impact Investing Forum 2025
London UK. May 14-15, 2025.
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Last week, Harvard University decided that it needed to get into the thick of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) action. The US$42 billion academic endowment fund–the world’s largest–won’t be investing in companies in the fossil fuel industry anymore.
It didn’t happen overnight and took years (a decade, actually) of activism from students, faculty, and alumni to make this happen. And while it’s all part of a sea change that’s happening across the investment management industry, one part of the letter from Harvard’s President stood out to me.