MainStreet Partners boosts ESG research and IT teams with eight new hires Institutional Asset ManagerMainStreet Partners boosts ESG research and IT teams with eight new hires Institutional Asset ManagerMainStreet Partners boosts ESG research and IT teams with eight new hires Institutional Asset Manager
Impact Investing Forum 2024
Online Event. Nov 06-07, 2024.
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MainStreet Partners, an ESG Advisory and Portfolio Analytics specialist, was founded in 2008 and has since made eight new hires to ensure that the business continues to grow and develop.
MainStreet Partners has seen significant organic growth due to its ability to provide a single platform to meet portfolio-level sustainability requirements of wealth managers, banks and asset managers. This has allowed MainStreet Partners a large coverage across direct instruments and ETFs.
Djolan Captieux has been appointed to the position of Director and cohead of the ESG Research department to ensure that the company’s proprietary models and client service levels are always innovative and of the highest standard. Djolan is a former Global ESG Quality Manager at FTSE International Limited (an LSE Group) company. Djolan has more than 14 years of experience in sustainability analysis and ESG rating. He was most recently responsible for the creation and formation FTSE’s global ESG group. Djolan holds a Grenoble Graduate School of Business MBA. Simone Borsetti, Martina Castelli and Jaime DiazRio Varez are his co-workers in the ESG Research group. They will be assisting with the firm’s core services.
Bikiron Banerjee was appointed as the IT Senior Associate to help develop the MainStreet Partners’ digital platform. Bikiron has more than 10 years of experience in financial institutions and investment firms. He is well-versed in digital transformation projects and data systems. Bikiron is a graduate of Imperial College with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Material Science and Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Informatics from University of London.
Rodolfo Fracassi is the CEO and co-founder at MainStreet Partners. He says, “It’s great that we welcome new colleagues as our services expand.” It allows us to keep a competitive edge in services such ESG fund ratings, portfolio analysis, which are increasingly in demand by clients. This is also due to new European regulations.
“Our commitment to ESG Advisory began 13 years ago. We’ve seen extraordinary growth in the last few years.” It is vital to avoid greenwashing by our clients and to enable them to offer the best ESG solutions.